Raab in Forbes: Winston Churchill’s Original POW Letter
The below piece was first published on Nathan Raab’s blog on Forbes at https://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanraab/2017/05/18/the-8000-mile-118-year-journey-of-winston-churchills-pow-letter The 8,000-Mile Journey Of Winston Churchill’s POW Letter Winston Churchill,...
Raab in Forbes: Abraham Lincoln
The below piece was first published on Nathan Raab's blog on Forbes at http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanraab/2015/08/05/this-presidential-candidate-would-send-you-his-autograph-by-mail/. This Republican Presidential Candidate Would Send You His Autograph By...

Washington Document Heading On Loan to Mount Vernon
The following is Nathan’s latest column on forbes.com, which can be viewed here: http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanraab/2015/03/10/the-greatest-sale-of-george-washington-historical-documents-ever-conducted/. It also references a document acquired from The Raab Collection...

Raab in Forbes: The hunt for autographs of Steve Jobs
This piece first appeared on Forbes.com at http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanraab/2014/11/17/is-this-apple-computer-worth-1-million/. Is This Apple Computer Worth $1 Million? Are people willing to pay tens of thousands,...

Raab in Forbes: Albert Einstein
This article first appeared under Nathan Raab's by-line on Forbes.com at: http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanraab/2014/10/03/what-albert-einstein-thought-makes-life-worthwhile/ What Albert Einstein Thought Makes Life Worthwhile In 1951, at the age...

Raab in Forbes: Alexander Hamilton
This article first appeared on Forbes.com at http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanraab/2014/09/23/alexander-hamiltons-10-tips-to-organizational-management/. It is Nathan Raab's latest post on Forbes, where he authors a blog. Alexander Hamilton's 10...

Raab in Forbes: Lincoln Forgeries
This document, authored by Nathan Raab, was first published on his blog on Forbes.com at http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanraab/2014/06/16/everyone-thought-this-abraham-lincoln-document-was-authentic/. Everyone Thought This Abraham Lincoln Document Was Authentic...

Raab in Forbes: Authenticating Abraham Lincoln
As first published on Forbes.com at http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanraab/2014/05/30/how-the-experts-know-if-that-abraham-lincoln-autograph-is-authentic/. By Nathan Raab If you have ever watched “Pawn Stars” or “Antiques Roadshow” and marveled how anyone...

Raab in Forbes: The Real Story of Memorial Day
As published first on Forbes.com: http://www.forbes.com/sites/nathanraab/2014/05/26/the-real-story-of-memorial-day/ By Nathan Raab for Forbes Very few of us will ring in Memorial Day as it was done...

Raab at Forbes: Hillary Clinton’s Secret Papers, Brought To You By Richard Nixon
By Nathan Raab, as published on Forbes.com. When papers of the Clinton Library become public today, starting at 1pm, a voyeuristic, journalistic occasion that...