Abraham Lincoln and the Chaplain to the Slaves
Published March 04, 2016 FoxNews.com When more than 40,000 escaped slaves took refuge in Washington in 1862, President Abraham Lincoln sought to provide them...
Raab Lincoln Document Featured Nationally
Watch the Raab Collection's great Abraham Lincoln historical document featured on Fox and Friends for the anniversary of the effective end of the Civil...
Video: President Lincoln Laments the Fall of His General
The Raab Collection's latest acquisition, a rare, beautiful, evocative letter of President Abraham Lincoln, asserting his "authority" as Commander-in-Chief and lamenting the fall of...

The Raab Collection Unveils a Newly Discovered Lincoln Letter (Video)
Watch Nathan Raab unveil a newly discovered letter of Abraham Lincoln on Fox and Friends, a letter which can be viewed and purchased here,...

The Confidential 1849 Letter of Abraham Lincoln
The Raab Collection announced today that it will unveil and is offering for sale a newly discovered, confidential letter of Abraham Lincoln, giving a...

Nathan Raab on Greater Philadelphia’s Classical Music Station
What do Abraham Lincoln and Chopin have in common? Listen to Nathan Raab discuss collecting historical documents with WRTI radio.

Behind the Scenes at Fox and Friends With Nathan Raab
Nathan Raab is a regular media presence, discussing topics relating to history and historical documents. Last month, he appeared on Fox and Friends to...

Raab Announces Acquisition of Rare Letter of Grant to Lincoln
The Raab Collection announced today that is offering for sale a rare letter of US Grant during the final days of the Civil War...

Nathan Raab Unveils Lincoln Letter on Fox and Friends
Watch and learn more about the newly discovered letter of Abraham Lincoln from right after his Cooper Union Address, being offered for sale by...

Abraham Lincoln’s 1860 Letter After the Cooper Union Address
Lincoln scholar, Harold Holzer, once called the Cooper Union address “Lincoln’s watershed, the event that transformed him from a regional leader into a national...