Ronald Reagan “When the call is heard up yonder – you’ll be there”

An unpublished letter of Reagan alluding to the afterlife

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Nancy Clark Reynolds served as assistant press secretary to Reagan during his governorship of California.

Ronald Reagan’s administration brought with it a deepened connection between religion and politics. Reagan, a self described born again Christian, had a deep faith that was based on his belief that one day, each person will reach...

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Ronald Reagan “When the call is heard up yonder – you’ll be there”

An unpublished letter of Reagan alluding to the afterlife

Nancy Clark Reynolds served as assistant press secretary to Reagan during his governorship of California.

Ronald Reagan’s administration brought with it a deepened connection between religion and politics. Reagan, a self described born again Christian, had a deep faith that was based on his belief that one day, each person will reach a day of judgment.

Autograph letter signed, unpublished, to Reynolds, no date but during his term as Governor, on his letterhead from that stretch. “Bless you. ‘When the call is heard up yonder – you’ll be there.’ If you aren’t – I aint goin either. I’m more grateful than I can say. Ron.”

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