SOLD Truman on the Political Wisdom of the American People
Unable to make a visit to California in support of Brown’s third-term candidacy, Truman tells Brown what "in substance I would have said to you if I could have made the journey." In so doing, plain-spoken Harry Truman delivers what, in effect, is his political credo.
Typed Letter Signed on his...
Unable to make a visit to California in support of Brown’s third-term candidacy, Truman tells Brown what "in substance I would have said to you if I could have made the journey." In so doing, plain-spoken Harry Truman delivers what, in effect, is his political credo.
Typed Letter Signed on his personal letterhead, Independence, October 19,1966. “Trust to the good sense and good judgement of the people. I always did; I have known the people to prove themselves to be much smarter than certain high-powered operators took them to be; For the people never knowingly vote against themselves, – or their best interest, – or their future, – or their welfare, – or the good of their country; and The people, may for a time, get confused or diverted by clever propaganda, or slick press agents – but not for long. When they think things through for themselves, the people will always vote for what is in their own best interest and that of their country. I have every confidence that in that same spirit the people of California, come November, will return you, Pat Brown, as Governor of California. This is how I would vote if I were a resident of California.”
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