Grover Cleveland Denounces Greed, and Demands – Put the People First
"I am thoroughly convinced that there will be no genuine reform of the tariff until it is entrusted to those who love the People more than self".
An Grover Cleveland Autograph Quotation Signed, Princeton, January 12, 1903, not merely taking the Republicans to task for high tariffs, but articulating his entire philosophy of governance. “I am thoroughly convinced that there will be no genuine reform of the tariff until it is entrusted to those who love the People more...
An Grover Cleveland Autograph Quotation Signed, Princeton, January 12, 1903, not merely taking the Republicans to task for high tariffs, but articulating his entire philosophy of governance. “I am thoroughly convinced that there will be no genuine reform of the tariff until it is entrusted to those who love the People more than self.”
Cleveland believed that high tariffs (traditionally supported by Republicans and opposed by Democrats) primarily benefitted large corporations and their wealthy owners, as they could charge more for their manufactures because tariffs made foreign goods more expensive and less competitive. Industrial tycoons might prosper but consumers got fewer buying options and higher prices.
The former president saw this as greed pure and simple, and as this quote clearly shows, laid blame at the doorstep of those in government who cared more for their prosperous friends and themselves than the people they were elected to represent. However, the principles he states here are relevant far beyond the tariff issue, and constitute an axiom of good government and public service: put the interests of the people and nation first, laying aside concerns of self.

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