Sold – Coolidge’s Address on President Washington
Delivered at George Washington University’s 1929.
On February 22, 1929, just ten days before they left the White House, both President and Mrs. Coolidge were awarded Doctor of Laws degrees at a commencement ceremony at George Washington University . Coolidge was always a great admirer of George Washington, and therefore doubtless enjoyed delivering the commencement address before...
On February 22, 1929, just ten days before they left the White House, both President and Mrs. Coolidge were awarded Doctor of Laws degrees at a commencement ceremony at George Washington University . Coolidge was always a great admirer of George Washington, and therefore doubtless enjoyed delivering the commencement address before the graduation gathering. Here are important excerpts from that speech, signed.
Typed Speech Signed, Washington , February 22, 1929. “Wherever men love liberty we find a veneration for the name of George Washington. Wherever there are aspirations for a free government, whether already in being or in future expectation, there is admiration for the institutions he established. Wherever purity of character and self-sacrificing public service are admired, his name is honored and revered. Almost alone of the great figures of history, he can be accepted without any qualifications or reservations. Not only is his fame world-wide, but his life is held in universal respect…As we study the statesmanship of Washington, as we see it demonstrated in our domestic and foreign experience, he becomes a larger and larger figure. The clearness of his intellect, the soundness of his judgment, the wisdom of his counsel, the disinterested patriotism of his actions, are constantly revealed to us with a new and compelling force. The reverence for his memory continues to increase. The people of the United States feel that they were exalted in his victory. The people of England feel that even in the defeat of their arms abroad he carried their ideals to victory at home. Such a conquest could not be made save by an exponent of universal truth.”
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