SOLD Calvin Coolidge Says WW I Proved U.S. Power
Signed copy of an official government printing of a speech, stating that after World War I, "Nobody says now that America cannot fight".
An official Government Printing Office printing of the speech he gave to the American Legion Convention in Omaha, Nebraska, Oct. 6, 1925, 11 pages 8vo, signed by him at the conclusion. Reflecting on World War I, Coolidge stated “The whole account of the World War would be on a scale so stupendous...
An official Government Printing Office printing of the speech he gave to the American Legion Convention in Omaha, Nebraska, Oct. 6, 1925, 11 pages 8vo, signed by him at the conclusion. Reflecting on World War I, Coolidge stated “The whole account of the World War would be on a scale so stupendous that it could never be recorded…You reaffirmed the position of this Nation in the estimation of mankind. You saved civilization from a gigantic reverse. Nobody says now that America cannot fight…We were not moved by age-old antagonisms of racial jealousies and hatreds. We were not seeking to gratify the ambitions of any reigning dynasty…Our instructions are founded not on military power but on civil authority…We can only make America first in the true sense which that means by cultivating a spirit of friendship and good will…and through progress at home and helpfulness abroad standing as an example of real service to humanity…We must reaffirm and reinforce our ancient faith in truth and justice…We must mobilize the conscience of mankind…Upon this rock you stand for the service of humanity. Against it no power can prevail.”
One of Coolidge’s most important statements of foreign policy, advocating a non-isolationist, active role of helpfulness abroad, and reaffirming the idealistic view of America as the conscience of mankind.

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