The Real Ronald Reagan: New Documents Reveal the President in Life, Faith & Crisis

These historical documents give us unique insight into the faith, life and character of Ronald Reagan, and they are offered for sale first at Raab

Many of these are unpublished and have never been offered for sale

The Faith of Reagan: 3 Letters

Faith was a crucial element of Ronald Reagan‘s life, and he used that faith to give support and condolences to those suffering around him. His belief in a Heaven promised by God is manifest through his correspondence.

The Afterlife: “When the call is heard up yonder, you’ll be there.” 

A powerful and emotional letter written as Governor reflecting his genuine faith in final judgment and afterlife.  – $8,500

To a sick girl: “Our Lord has a special love for children and we know that he is watching over you.”

In this letter, Reagan in touching fashion consoles a young girl, suggesting that God will take care of her: “Our Lord has a special love for children and we know that he is watching over you. Please take care and may Our Lord bless and keep you.” – $10,000

Heaven: “We have to trust in God’s infinite mercy and wisdom and know that Angela is in a better and happier world as we’ve been promised.”

The President consoles his friends after the death of a loved one. – $20,000

President Reagan, the Fighter

“We’ll take our case to the people.”

Just Days from his Second Inauguration.  Even after winning his final campaign, as he begins his final term, Reagan seemed ready to take his case to the American people.  He writes to an important ally: “The Democrats show signs of marshalling their forces to resist our efforts. So we’ll take our case to the people.” – $7,000

“I’m enjoying the battle”

Fresh from his inauguration in 1981, Reagan knew the fight was still ahead, as he notes in this letter.  In this letter he writes: “We’re hard at it and while the opposition groups and re-groups, I’m enjoying the battle.” – $6,500

In Crisis: The Challenger

“Why would anyone want to get any higher off the earth than the back of a horse?”

The Challenger flight offered an opportunity for a civilian to go to space. Reagan’s friend Doug Morrow wanted to go. Reagan himself, as we see here, wanted no part of going into space but was eager to recommend Morrow. As he writes in 1985, “Why would anyone want to get any higher off the earth than you can get by sitting on the back of a horse? Seriously, you have made a very impressive case and I intend to put it in the hands of the Director of NASA myself with my own additions about one — Doug Morrow. I’m sure you understand I can’t dictate in a matter of this kind but I can be enthusiastic and, in this case, that will be easy.” Morrow was not chosen to go up and that choice saved his life. – $8,000

“Don’t overtrain. What with the international program plus such things as the ‘first teacher’ idea, it looks like there is a waiting line building up”

We have never seen another direct reference to this fateful and tragic effort in Reagan’s letters on the market. – $7,000

“Money isn’t the big delay on the shuttle, safety is.”

After the Challenger / Commercial Space Activity:  After the disaster he showed the seriousness  the situation required, focusing and safety and presaging the shift of space activity to the private sector: Just months after the disaster, he writes,Money isn’t the big delay on the shuttle, safety is. It’s true I wanted to look into this private funding because it was coming up from several directions. As it turned out, there would be a conflict with the private sector which is moving toward commercial launching of satellites.” – $8,500

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