The Reagan Ranch has acquired a rare, unpublished letter from President Ronald Reagan as he defends himself against charges of discrimination to the Black community. The Center has also purchased the only diagram in the hand of Reagan, showing where he lived as a child. These documents will go to further their mission of educating young people about conservative values using President Reagan as the embodiment of those values. Both were acquired from Raab and the Ranch has graciously agreed to let us mention them in this post.

As its website notes, “Ronald Reagan said of his beloved Santa Barbara, California ranch, ‘No place before or since has ever given Nancy and me the joy and serenity it does.’ President Reagan’s Rancho del Cielo, his home for nearly twenty-five years and the Western White House for eight, is a window into the soul of Ronald Reagan…. With four floors of classrooms, lecture space, a movie theater, ranch exhibits and a library of conservative resources, the Reagan Ranch Center is a state-of-the-art facility that brings conservative ideas to life. The Reagan Ranch Center is an essential complement to the Ranch. It is here that we can share the story of the Ranch and its place in history with the public at large.”
It is our unwavering policy never to disclose the names of our buyers or sellers without their consent. The Reagan Ranch has graciously agreed to let us mention them in this post.
Raab routinely sells to both institutional and private buyers worldwide.