We have earned this recognition because of our focus on quality, authenticity, importance, and beauty. Simply put: we search the world to find important historical documents and bring them to our historically passionate clientele. This requires an in-depth knowledge of history and decades of experience, as well as relationships with institutions, media, historically important families, and collectors, all built over time.
Uncovering important documents; building great collections. We count among our clients many of the most historically passionate collectors, those forming great private collections, and also collecting institutions, among them the Library of Congress and the British Library. We have handled many of the notable historical documents to reach the market in the past three decades, including:

- George Washington: His original presidential address to Congress, stating his zeal for the public good will be unrelenting
- John F. Kennedy: The long-lost and much searched-for Air Force One tape from his assassination, which we discovered
- Thomas Jefferson: His foundation letter of the Library of Congress collections, signed by him and in the hand of Meriwether Lewis
- Winston Churchill: His hand-held speech to Parliament warning of the onrushing World War II and asking Britain to awake
- William Henry Harrison: The original Congressional Gold Medal awarded him for saving the Northwest in the War of 1812
- Theodore Roosevelt: His historic “Speak Softly and Carry a Big Stick” letter, that defined U.S. foreign policy for a century
- Charles Darwin: His statement that all humans descend from a common, speaking progenitor
- The Original Order to Seize the Rosetta Stone
- Andrew Jackson: His momentous order to the Native Americans to move West, starting the Trail of Tears
- Several scientific manuscripts of Albert Einstein, with equations in hand
- Amelia Earhart: Her filled in and executed certificate of landing upon becoming the first woman to fly the Atlantic Ocean solo
- Napoleon: His original order to invade the Iberian Peninsula
- Alexander Hamilton: His extension of his revenue and commerce system to the last original state to ratify the U.S. Constitution
- Stephen Hawking: His signed contract to write his first book
- John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay and others: The original reports to the Secretary of War on the Treaty of Ghent negotiations
- Benjamin Franklin: Unknown letter helping negotiate the Treaty of Ft. Stanwix, with a “B Free Franklin” address panel
A Few of the Historically Great Families We’ve Represented
- Thomas Jefferson
- Ulysses S. Grant
- Ronald Reagan
- Dwight D. Eisenhower
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
- James Knox Polk
- William Henry Harrison
- Andrew Jackson
- Gerald Ford
- Benjamin Harrison
- Plus many others